Membership Benefits & Privileges
At the Hellenic Law Society, we seek to empower new members with the learning, experience, and community to thrive. We mix in the modern teachings of the practice of law with wisdom from the ancient Greeks on law, equity, justice, and democracy. We invite Greek-Americans and philhellenes involved or interested in the profession of law and who met our membership criteria to join our Society.
We have members in many diverse practice areas of law as listed in our directory. We value shared consults and passing down a breadth of collective experience, connections and opportunity.

We are joined in our love, faith, and profession of the ancient and modern Hellenic culture and teachings. To be Greek, is to value knowledge and to act with wisdom through words and deeds. Our members also contribute their time, talents and resources to and for the benefit of the Hellenic and other legal communities.
Every member receives the opportunity to attend several accredited events each year to enhance their legal credentials, gain experience and to network.
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Membership Requirements
We are committed to Hellenic principles of justice, liberty, the spirit of free inquiry and the rule of law.
Member Qualification and Application
Our membership is open to lawyers, paralegals, law students, courtroom personnel, judges and others involved with the legal profession. Applicants should be of Hellenic family heritage or philhellenes with a deep interest in the Hellenic culture and heritage. Applicants need to complete and return a membership application form here.
Annual Dues
Our membership dues are $85 per member annually, with student dues of $10 per member for first year Bar admittees and law students.
We sponsor several meetings a year, provide training opportunities, and support Hellenic-American activities within our communities. Members are encouraged to serve in one of our committees; MCLE & Education; Events; Membership and Mentorship; and Communication and Technology.