LONG BEACH – Long Beach Greek Festival
Assumption Greek Orthodox Church 5761 East Colorado Street Long Beach, California 90814-1954LONG BEACH - Long Beach Greek Festival September 2-4, 2023 Location:Â Assumption Greek Orthodox Church 5761 East Colorado Street Long Beach, California 90814-1954 lbgreekfest.org Description:Â Held on Labor Day Weekend, this 64th Annual Event features carnival rides, food, beverages, vendor booths, church tours, cooking demos and dancing galore. Admission is approx. $3.
Greek Festival at the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Greek
Orthodox Church, Long Beach, CA Orthodox Church, Long Beach, CA, United StatesSTOCKTON – Saint Basil Greek Orthodox
STOCKTON - Saint Basil Greek Orthodox September 8-10, 2023 likely dates, to be confirmed Location:Â Saint Basil Greek Orthodox Christian Church 920 W March Lane Stockton, CA 95207 Phone: (209) 478-7564 gosainTBAsil.org | facebook.com/greekfoodfestivalstocktonca Description:Â This annual Greek Festival invites the public to come enjoy the food and fun. Friday Noon - 11 p.m. Saturday, Noon - […]
SANTA CRUZ – Santa Cruz Greek Festival
Prophet Elias Greek Orthodox Church 223 Church Street Santa Cruz, CA 95060SANTA CRUZ - Santa Cruz Greek Festival September 9-10, 2022 | 2023 TBA Location:Â Prophet Elias Greek Orthodox Church 223 Church Street Santa Cruz, CA 95060 (831) 429-6500 livelikeagreek.com Description:Â Free admission Features traditional Greek foods & pastries. Live Greek music & dancing. OPA! Friday 5-10 p.m. Saturday 12-10 p.m.
CARDIFF-BY-THE-SEA – Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Festival
3459 Manchester Avenue Cardiff-by-the-Sea, CA 92007CARDIFF-BY-THE-SEA - Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Festival September 10-11, 2022 Sat 10 am - 10pm, Sun 11 am - 9:30 pm Admission $3, Children under 12, Active Military and First Responders (with ID) Free; Parking Free at adjacent Mira Costa College (760) 942-0920 Location:Â 3459 Manchester Avenue Cardiff-by-the-Sea, CA 92007 cardiffgreekfestival.com | facebook.com/CardiffGreekFest/ Description:Â Authentic Greek […]
FRESNO: Fresno Greek Festival
St. George Greek Orthodox Church 2219 N. Orchard, Fresno, CAFRESNO: Fresno Greek Festival September 15-17, 2023 Location: St. George Greek Orthodox Church 2219 N. Orchard, Fresno, CA Date: May 27-29, 2023 Friday, September 16, 2022 – 4pm-Midnight Saturday, September 17, 2022 – 11am-Midnight Sunday, September 18 – 11am -6pm Phone: (559) 233-0397 fresnogreekfest.com Description: Fresno's Premier Greek Festival is Back! Tickets may be purchased online or […]
Greek Festival, Annunciation Cathedral, San Francisco
Annunciation Cathedral, San FranciscoLANCASTER: AV Greek Festival
43404 30th Street West Lancaster, CA, 93536LANCASTER: AV Greek Festival September 17, 2022 | 2023 TBA Location:Â 43404 30th Street West Lancaster, CA, 93536 stsch.org/greekfestival.html | avgreekfest.com Description:In existence for more than 55 years, the AV (Antelope Valley) has enjoyed the tastes and sounds of the Greek Islands! Produced by Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church
SAN FRANCISCO: San Francisco, A Taste of Greece
Annunciation Cathedral 245 Valencia Street San Francisco, CA 94103SAN FRANCISCO: San Francisco, A Taste of Greece September 17-18, 2022 | 2023 TBA Location:Â Annunciation Cathedral 245 Valencia Street San Francisco, CA 94103 annunciation.org/festival Description:Save the date for A Taste of Greece!
COVINA: San Gabriel Greek Festival
Saint Nectarios Greek Orthodox Church 20340 E Covina Blvd. Covina, California 91724COVINA: San Gabriel Greek Festival September 17-18, 2022 | 2023 TBA Location:Â Saint Nectarios Greek Orthodox Church 20340 E Covina Blvd. Covina, California 91724 $, stnectariosgoc.org | facebook.com/SaintNectariosShrine/ Description:Â The two day fall event takes place in Southern California at a time in which the area generally experiences some of its finest weather. Buy delicious Greek food […]
MODESTO: Greek Festival
Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church 313 Tokay Ave. Modesto, CAMODESTO: Greek Festival September 17-18, 2022 | 2023 TBA $15 pre, a href="https://goannunciation.org/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">goannunciation.org Saturday Noon - 9 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. Location:Â Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church 313 Tokay Ave. Modesto, CA Description:Â Join the fun at the Annual Greek Festival in Modesto featuring authentic Greek food, homemade Greek pastries, marketplace, outdoor Greek […]
An MCLE Presentation: Back to Basics & Consumer Bankruptcy
via ZoomBack to Basics and Consumer Bankruptcy This program will be worth 1 MCLE credit. We urge all our members to join this important discussion. Speaker: Leo Spanos Date: Thursday, September 21st, 2023 Time: 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. Location: Zoom – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82158630786?pwd=UWhWOGQ4eEN2MERIVDdpazJ6eFNSQT09
ELK GROVE: Weekend in Greece Greek Culture & Food Festival
Saint Katherine Greek Orthodox Church 9165 Peets St. Elk Grove, CAELK GROVE: Weekend in Greece Greek Culture & Food Festival September 23-24, 2023 Location:Â Saint Katherine Greek Orthodox Church 9165 Peets St. Elk Grove, CA Free admission & parking, saintkatherine.org/foodfestival/ Description:Â Embrace the warm & welcoming Greek culture with traditional Greek costumes, Greek music, food authentic, Greek dancing, and, of course, Greek food! We prepare many of […]
MONTEREY – Monterey Bay Greek Festival
MONTEREY - Monterey Bay Greek Festival September 23-25, 2022, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. | 2023 TBA Location:Â Event is held at Custom House Plaza SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST ORTHODOX CHURCH Patio of All Saints Episcopal Church Dolores and Ninth St Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA Free Admission, montereybaygreekfestival.org Description:Annual Greek Festival hosted by Saint John The Baptist Greek Orthodox Church […]
SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO San Juan Capistrano Greek Festival
Greek Style Saint Basil Greek Orthodox Church 27129 Calle Arroyo, Suite 1803, San Juan Capistrano, CA, 92675SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO San Juan Capistrano Greek Festival September 24-25, 2022 | 2023 TBA Location:Â Greek Style Saint Basil Greek Orthodox Church 27129 Calle Arroyo, Suite 1803, San Juan Capistrano, CA, 92675. sjcgreekfest.org Phone: (949) 542-3445 Description:Greek Pastries, and Greek food and great entertainment for the whole family. Proceeds to benefit the Greek Orthodox Mission of […]
LOS ANGELES: LA Greek Fest October TBD Location:Â The Fest and Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral 1324 S. Normandie Avenue, (corner of Pico and Normandie) $, lagreekfest.com | stsophia.org/events/festival/index.html
Sacramento Greek Festival
Greek Orthodox Church 600 & 616 Alhambra Blvd. Sacramento Sacramento, CASacramento Greek Festival October 6-8, 2023 Hours: Friday & Saturday: 11am - 10pm; Sunday:11am - 8pm. Location:Â Greek Orthodox Church 600 & 616 Alhambra Blvd. Sacramento Sacramento, CA $5 age 13 and older, sacramentogreekfestival.com Description:Free admission for children 12 and under and for guests who ride their bikes. Complementary parking with shuttle service is also provided. […]
BAKERSFIELD: St. George Spring Greek Food Festival
401 Truxtun Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301BAKERSFIELD: St. George Spring Greek Food Festival October 13-15, 2023 bakersfieldgreekfoodfestival.org | stgeorgebakersfield.org Location:Â 401 Truxtun Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Cost: $5, Children under 12 Free stgeorgebakersfield.org, (661) 325-8694 Description:11 a.m. - 11 p.m. on Saturday. St. George Greek Orthodox Church 401 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Great authentic Greek Food and Pastries Greek Taverna Live […]
TEMECULA: Temecula Greek Festival
Old Town Temecula Civic Center and Town Square 41000 Main StreetTEMECULA: Temecula Greek Festival October 14-15, 2023 Saturday October 14, 2023, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday October 15, 2023, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Location:Â Old Town Temecula Civic Center and Town Square 41000 Main Street $3 per adult, seniors $2, first responders, military / veterans and children under 12 free, temeculagreekfest.com | facebook.com/TemeculaGreekFest Description:Music, […]
Dinner by Korematsu Institute, Marriott Marquis, San Francisco
Marriott Marquis, San FranciscoDinner by Korematsu Institute, Marriott Marquis, San Francisco (supporting the uplifting work of Dale Minami, San Francisco attorney who led the team vacating the U.S. Supreme Court affirming Fred Korematsu’s conviction during W.W.II for refusing to report for internment in Japanese camps). Our hope is to fill a table of ten with our members and […]
MCLE – The Lausanne Treaty, History of End of the First World War and Territorial Rights and Protection of Religious Minorities
via ZoomThe Hellenic Law Society of California presents the third MCLE Symposium of 2023 The Lausanne Treaty, History of End of the First World War and Territorial Rights and Protection of Religious Minorities Professor Michelle Tusan, Author of The Just Published: The Last Treaty: The Middle Eastern Front and the End of the First World War […]
SANTA BARBARA: Santa Barbara Greek Festival
Oak Park, 300 W. Alamar AvenueSANTA BARBARA: Santa Barbara Greek Festival October 29-30, 2022 | 2023 TBA Sat - Sun 11 am - 7 pm Location:Â Oak Park, 300 W. Alamar Avenue, near the corner of Calle Real and W. Junipero Street (101 North, exit at Pueblo Street) santabarbaragreekfestival.com
2023 Holiday Dinner @ Cafe Tiramisu
Cafe Tiramisu 28 Belden Place, San Francisco, CA, United StatesDear Hellenic Law Society Members, You are cordially invited to the 2023 Hellenic Law Society Holiday Dinner. Members and their guests are welcome to join for a prix fixe menu at the wonderful Cafe Tiramisu located in the Financial District of San Francisco. We will enjoy a four course meal with wine. We look forward […]
MCLE Presents Complying With the Corporate Transparency Act
via ZoomJoin us for an MCLE training program for California practitioners. The program will cover compliance with the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), which requires the filing of beneficial ownership reports with FinCEN by some 32 million entities by the end of this year.. The CTA is designed to combat money laundering and other financial crimes by […]